Hola ! 我是 Leticia,不知不覺當中, 北越景點的介紹已經來到第三篇了,我的北越自由行真的去了不少地方,大部分的時間,我都是用走的去參觀,另外有幾天,我是租摩托車到處跑,除了可以快速移動之外,還能去一些比較特別的景點,在河內,還有一個世界遺產,位置在還劍湖的西北方向,因為距離的關係,通常旅行社不會在這裡停留太久,還有一些私房景點我想分享給你
位於越南河內市的皇城。該公園被聯合國教科文組織列入了世界遺產名錄。許多越南的朝代(李朝 、陳朝、後黎朝)在這裡建立了自己的首都
河內—升龍皇城中心的最突出價值正是 「活的史書」,它貫穿了自前升龍時期的大羅城直至現在的河內整整 10 個世紀的歷史
距離巴亭廣場一個街區的路口則是有昇龍皇城,它的入口不太好找,幸好我有爬文,跟著 Google 地圖走的時候就剛好看到,是門口像停車場的地方就是入口了,可以停裡面的空地,停車費也不貴
位於越南河內市的皇城。該公園被聯合國教科文組織列入了世界遺產名錄。許多越南的朝代(李朝 、陳朝、後黎朝)在這裡建立了自己的首都 。
河內的升龍皇城建于 11 世紀越南李王朝時期,是「大越」獨立的標誌,也是教科文組織的第 900 項《世界遺產》。 這座建築工程歷經不同朝代不同歷史階段建成,成為越南遺蹟系統中十分重要的一處。
Leticia chat
At the intersection of one block from Ba Dinh Square, there is the Imperial City of Thang Long. Its entrance is not very easy to find, but fortunately, I have seen an essay, from the internet when I follow Google Maps. It is the entrance to the door like the parking lot. It can stop the open space inside, and the parking fee is not expensive.
Located in the Imperial City of Hanoi, Vietnam. The park is listed on the World Heritage List by UNESCO. Many Vietnamese dynasties (Li Chao, Chen Chao, Hou Li Chao) established their own capital here.
Built in the 11th century during the Li Dynasty of Vietnam, the Imperial City of Thang Long in Hanoi is a symbol of the independence of Daewoo and the 900th World Heritage of UNESCO. This building project was built in different historical stages of different dynasties and became a very important part of the Vietnamese heritage system.
南軍事史博物館(Vietnam Military History Museum)更為人熟悉的是它的前稱軍事博物館(Army Museum),它成立於 1954 年,是越南的七大國家博物館之一
它現在位於越南軍事歷史博物館內。 河內旗台包括三層建築本體和一個金字塔形塔,塔內設有螺旋形樓梯通往塔頂。第一層寬42.5公尺,高3.1公尺,第二層寬25寵,高3.7公尺,第三層寬12.8公尺,高5.1公尺
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After coming out of the gate of Imperial Citadel of Thang Long, turn left and turn left. You can see the gate of the Vietnam Military Museum and the most famous flag tower inside
The Hanoi Flag Tower is an ancient pagoda in Hanoi. It is one of the symbols of the city and is part of the world heritage "Temporary Dragon City", which is 33.4 meters high.
The Hanoi flag was built between 1805 and 1812. Many other buildings in Hanoi were destroyed by French colonial authorities (1896–1897), but the tower survived and used as a military post.
It is now located in the Vietnam Military History Museum. The Hanoi flag platform consists of a three-story building and a pyramid-shaped tower with a spiral staircase leading to the top of the tower. The first floor is 42.5 meters wide and 3.1 meters high.
The second floor is 25 feet wide and 3.7 meters high. The third floor is 12.8 meters wide and 5.1 meters high. The second floor has four doors. On the east gate, the plaque reads "Welcome to the Sun". On the west gate, the plaque reads "Return to Light", and the plaque on the South Gate reads "Xiang Ming". The tower is illuminated by 36 flower shapes and 6 fan windows. The top of the tower is the Vietnamese flag.
河內旗台是越南河內的一座古塔,是這個城市的象征之一,屬於世界遺產「昇龍皇城」的一部分,高達 33.4 公尺
河內旗台建於 1805 年至 1812 年。河內許多其他建築都被法國殖民當局摧毀(1896年至1897年),但是該塔倖存了下來,用作軍事哨所
它現在位於越南軍事歷史博物館內。 河內旗台包括三層建築本體和一個金字塔形塔,塔內設有螺旋形樓梯通往塔頂
河內文廟正式名稱「文廟--國子監」,是坐落於河內市還劍湖西側的一座傳統孔廟建築,既是越南第一座孔廟,也是國家級的孔廟,就是李朝李聖宗建於 1070 年
一進去看到滿滿的繁體字就覺得很親切 XDDD
Leticia chat
The last trip in the morning is to go to the Temple of Literature. It is the best and most beautiful monument in Hanoi. It was built in the 1070 Li Dynasty.
To sacrifice Confucius and his four disciples (Zengshen, Zilu, Yanhui, Zigong)
I feel very familiar with seeing the traditional Chinese.
這是一個很特別的 北越景點 ,一個會在巷子裡出現的火車,出現的時間是下午 3:30 跟晚上 7:30
越南的鐵路軌距多為一公尺(米),人們習慣稱這種窄軌鐵路為"米軌"。 越南河內市內,火車每天兩次日復一日地穿過老居民區和商業區,在居民屋前呼嘯而過
“當地人熟知火車時刻,每天下午 3 :30 和 7:30,你會注意到所有人忽然跑進家中。玩耍的孩子、切菜的婦女,喧鬧的前院,馬上被火車的轟鳴聲所佔據。”當火車通過後,人們又開始恢復正常作息,做生意的繼續做他的生意,兒童繼續在鐵路上玩耍,老人繼續將矮桌抬了出來,在軌道上繼續喝茶聊天。
Leticia chat
Finally, I came to the railway in Hanoi, which is a very strange place.
The railway crossing the downtown area Vietnam's railway track is one meter (meter), and people used to call this narrow-gauge railway a "meter rail." In Hanoi, Vietnam, trains pass through the old residential and commercial areas twice a day, day and night, and roar past the residents' houses.
It is reported that in Hanoi, there is a railway trunk line that directly penetrates the local old residential area and commercial area. The distance between the railroad track and the residential building is only a few tens of centimeters. This crowded downtown area greets two train visits every day. This spectacle has surprised foreign tourists, but the locals have clearly regarded it as part of their lives and are very skilled at dealing with this incredible visitor.
“ The locals are familiar with the train time. Every day at 3:30 and 7:30 pm, you will notice that everyone suddenly ran into the house. The children playing, the women who cut vegetables, the noisy front yard, were immediately occupied by the roar of the train.” When the train passed, people began to resume normal work, business continued to do his business, children continued to play on the railway, the old man continued to lift the low table, continue to drink tea chat on the track.
自由行的好處,就是可以去一些觀光客很少的景點, 北越景點當然不只有旅行社常規劃的那些,下面跟你分享,我覺得值得一去的景點
以下 3 個地方真的是很少人會去,但是我覺得很美,而且超級適合拍照的,基本上就是 36 古街在往北邊走,不過距離真的不近,用走的可能一整天就去這 3 個北越景點了
這是唯一一個保留還算完整的城門,實際走過會發現這個城門並沒有很大,那是因為以前的人,最大的交通工具就是馬車了 !
座落於河內古街裡的東河門,建造於 1749 年的黎朝,是少數保留至今的昇龍古城關口。
東河門,又稱「觀掌閣」,位於昇龍京城圍城的東邊,建於景興 10 年 (1749),到嘉龍三年 (1817) 重新修建並保存原樣至今。這是舊昇龍城 21 個城門之一僅剩的一個
相傳東河門的名字來源,始於法國殖民時期,1873年11月20,在法國殖民軍攻打昇龍城的時候,一位「掌機 (越南官坐職)」與一百個戰士堅守城門直到最後一刻。人民為了紀念他們,就叫這個城門「觀掌閣」
Leticia chat
Then there is Ô Quan Chưởng. Today, visiting these monuments is like reading the history of Vietnam. These monuments in the urban area give people a feeling of mining treasures.
Ô Quan Chưởng , located in the ancient street of Hanoi, was built in 1749 in the Li Dynasty. It is one of the few passes of the ancient city of Thăng Long.
Ô Quan Chưởng, also known as " Guanzhangge '' , is located in the east of Thăng Long City, and was built in Jingxing 10 years (1749). It was rebuilt and preserved in Jialong three years (1817). This is the only remaining one of the 21 gates of the Old Thang Long City. According to legend, the origin of the name of Ô Quan Chưởng began in the French colonial period.
On November 20, 1873, when the French colonial army attacked Thang Long City, a "handheld (Vietnamese official)" and a hundred soldiers stood at the gate until The last moment. In order to commemorate them, the people called this gate " Guanzhangge ".
1897年,在越南河內的法國殖民當局,發起了一個橋梁設計的比賽,著名的埃菲爾鐵塔設計者:「亞曆山大·居斯塔夫‧埃菲爾」的作品,被選為這座橋的設計者。這座橋是追隨巴黎市第 13 區連接巴黎及奧爾良的「托勒別克鐵路橋(Pont de Tolbiac)」的樣本設計的。
Leticia chat
The next place is the Long bian Bridge. If you want to take a good photo, it is recommended to walk on the bridge. You can find a good angle. If you ride a motorcycle on the bridge, there is no way to stop or turn around. Riding to the other side
In 1897, a French bridge colony in Hanoi, Vietnam, launched a bridge design competition. The famous Eiffel Tower designer: "Alexander Gustave Eiffel" was selected as the designer of the bridge. The bridge was designed following a sample of the Pont de Tolbiac in Paris and Orleans in the 13th arrondissement of Paris.
目前一樓的 17 個窗戶都是被封死,防止有人往裡面丟垃圾,這座建築最厲害的是,經過這麼多場戰爭,依舊完好無缺,除了內部水管管線老舊之外,外部沒有任何被戰爭摧毀過的痕跡,現在仍然會在建築學的課程中被提到這座建築
其實法國政府蓋了 2 座水塔,只是另外一座在河內的廢水處理廠區內部,需要走到一個小巷子裡才看的到
Leticia chat
entury and has a history of more than 100 years. It is one of the most distinctive buildings in Hanoi.
這座 11 層的紅色高塔是鎮國寺的指標性建築,亦是鎮國寺華麗建築的一部份。也被被英國《每日郵報》評選為全球最美的 16 座寺廟之一
1959 年印度總統普拉薩特訪問河內時親手贈送一棵菩提樹,去的時候也能看到
這座 11 層的紅色高塔是鎮國寺的指標性建築,亦是鎮國寺華麗建築的一部份
Leticia chat
and then is Tran Quoc Pagoda
Located on the small peninsula on the west bank of the city in the north of Hanoi , the " Tran Quoc Pagoda " is adjacent to the famous West Lake and Hồ Trúc Bạch by a road. Because of its magnificent architecture, incense, tourists, and pleasant scenery. The beauty of the West Lake contrasts. Visitors come to the West Lake in Hanoi, Vietnam, and it is easy to find a red tower in the vicinity that is very eye-catching.
This 11-story red tower is an indicative building of the Tran Quoc Pagoda and part of the gorgeous architecture of the Tran Quoc Pagoda.
大概不會有人跟我一樣瘋狂,四個方位的廟宇都過去,用走的真的走不到啊 ! 我是因為騎摩托車,所以這樣天南地北的亂跑,在座自由行規劃的時候,真的是一天一個方向在逛,如果你真的想去,歡迎私訊我跟我拿詳細地址,方便你使用導航
河內一共有四大觀以鎮四方:鎮北之觀為鎮武觀,鎮南之觀為金蓮寺,鎮東之觀為白馬寺,鎮西之觀為昭禪寺。 鎮武觀供奉真武帝君,越南廣泛流傳對真武帝君的信仰
Leticia chat
We started our schedule after we finished lunch in the restaurant next to the hotel
we go to Quan Thanh Temple first and it is in the north.
There are four major taoist temple of the town in Hanoi: the taoist temple of north is Quan Thanh Temple. the taoist temple of south is Kim Lien Pagoda, the taoist temple of east is Bach Ma Temple, and the taoist temple of west is Lang Temple. Quan Thanh Temple is dedicated to the Zhenwu Emperor, and Vietnam has widely spread the belief in the Zhenwu Emperor.
Leticia chat
Quan Thanh Temple, also known as trutle temple, is the largest Taoist temple in Hanoi. Although it was founded in the same age, it should be built in Vietnam during the Li Dynasty. Zhenwu Guanzheng Temple is wide and three-legged, and the ridge dragon beast is carved, which is similar to the Taoist temple in southern China.
The instrument in the hall is decorated with rich and colorful, and the Chinese character of the Chinese plaque is connected with the silver medal. The middle plaque is the Yan regular script and called "The first place in Beibei."
這裡供俸的是慈悲之神,曹孫將軍 Thần Cao Sơn,據說,當時還沒有平定叛亂的時候,當時的皇帝請求神明的幫助,10 天後就成功了,為了感謝神明,所以建造了這座廟
接著是金蓮寺, 我有一點收藏癖好,想把四大寺廟都看過,不過因為他們分布位置不同,所以需要到處跑,每間寺廟都有它的特色,跟台灣的很像,但又不完全相同
Leticia chat
This is Kim Lien Pagoda. I like to collect all thing so I want to see the four temple.
They are distributed in different locations so I need to run around. Each temple has its own characteristics, which are similar to those of Taiwan but not identical.
越南河內的白馬寺是河內現存最古老的寺廟,據傳說李岱鐸皇帝曾在這裡祈求能成功修建城牆,後廟中出現一匹白馬指出其後成功修建城牆的方位,因此廟內供奉著一匹白馬塑像 (Long To) 和一座紅漆轎子
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Next, The Taoist temple of east is Bach Ma Temple
It is one of the oldest temples in Hanoi, and it houses many 18th-century statues. It is located in the old town of Hanoi, and the exquisite relief decoration in front of the temple highlights the extraordinary weather. When you walk into the temple, you can see the famous white horse sculpture.
Legend has it that Li Taizu always collapsed when he built the city wall. After praying for it, a white horse appeared in the temple to guide him to successfully build the position of the city wall. Therefore, Baima Temple was also worshipped as a god of efficacies and worshipped by local people.
是供奉 Linh Lang Dai Vuong 的地方 - 幫助國王維護皇城西部和平的神。這座寺廟被認為是千年古都最神聖的地方之一
裡面有 2 頭跪在地上的大象雕像,所以也被稱為伏福廟
Leticia chat
Then there is the last temple, the Taoist temple of west is Zhaochan Temple. Because this temple is a bit far from the city, few people will come here.
越南曾經被法國殖民過,在宗教跟文化上也深受影響,當時建造的 3 座羅馬天主教教堂,現今都是越南人重要的活動場所,3 個教堂都各有各的建築特色,除了在歷史上具有很大的意義之外,在建築學上也是很好的作品
以下就是河內著名的 3 座教堂,是當地人都很常去做禮拜的地方,你也可以看的出來, 3 座教堂都各有各的特色,北中南各一座,有興趣的朋友也可以去看一看,不僅是外部的建築設計很不一樣,連內部的裝潢也讓人有不一樣的感覺
聖若瑟主天主堂又名河內大教堂,建於 1886 年,本來是佛教寺院的遺跡,後來改建成新哥德風格的教堂,外牆使用黑色與白色的石材,外型有點亮巴黎聖母院,也是法國殖民政府在越南的第一座天主教堂
這也是 北越景點 當中最熱門的一個地方,在之前的文章有介紹過了,這邊就不多加說明
星期一~ 六 : 8: 00~11:00、14:00~20:00
星期日 : 7 :00- 11 :00,15 :00- 21:00
週一至週五:上午 5:30 和下午 6:15
1930年代初,法國建築師Ernest Hébrard開始重新規劃河內城市,其中包括在昇龍皇城北門前新建一座天主教堂
從昇龍皇城的北門出來就可以看到這座教堂了 !
開放時間:8:30-12:30 ,14:00-17:30
原名殉教者教堂(法語:Église des Martyrs),由法國殖民當局修建於1932年。今天,北門教堂是越南河內的三座主要羅馬天主教教堂之一,另外兩座是咸龍教堂和 聖約瑟夫大教堂
1930年代初,法國建築師 Ernest Hébrard 開始重新規劃河內城市,其中包括在昇龍皇城北門前新建一座天主教堂。由於其地理位置,這座教堂通常稱為北門教堂。
這座折衷主義建築擁有明顯的 Art Deco 裝飾,又融入了一些越南傳統的建築元素,被視為歐洲與越南建築混合風格的良好例證。
Leticia chat
Then there is the North Gate Church. The reason why I went to this attraction at this time because I found that the church don't open when I passed the road. I had to go somewhere else.
Formerly known as the Church of the Martyrs (French: Église des Martyrs), built in 1932 by the French colonial authorities. Today, the North Gate Church is one of the three main Roman Catholic churches in Hanoi, Vietnam, and the other two are the Salt Dragon Church and St. Joseph's Cathedral.
In the early 1930s, French architect Ernest Hébrard began re-planning the city of Hanoi, including the construction of a new Catholic church in front of the north gate of the Imperial Dragon City. Due to its geographical location, this church is often called the North Gate Church. This eclectic building has an obvious Art Deco decoration and incorporates some traditional Vietnamese architectural elements, which is considered a good example of the mixed style of European and Vietnamese architecture.
今天最後一個行程就是咸龍教堂,然後有收集癖的我把 3座教堂都參觀到了,這座教堂不是一個有名的景點,有經過的話可以順路參觀
是一座羅馬天主教教堂,位於越南河內市中心的還劍區咸龍街。該教堂建於 19 世紀末,因街名而俗稱咸龍教堂。目前的教堂建於 1934 年,由越南建築師設計
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Today’s last trip is the Nhà thờ Hàm Long ( Xianlong chruch ). Then I collected three churches from the collection. This church is not a famous attraction. If you pass, you can visit it.
It is a Roman Catholic church located in Xianlong Street, Hoan Kiem District, in the heart of Hanoi, Vietnam. The church was built at the end of the 19th century and is commonly known as the Salt Dragon Church for its street name. The current church was built in 1934 and designed by Vietnamese architects.