
2024 Jul 8

Halo ! 我是 Leticia,北越可以去的地方很多,因為不知道下次再來是什麼時候,所以我盡可能的,把附近可以去的地方都找出來,這就是自由行的好處,你想在每個地方待多久時間都可以,時間上的安排可以很自由,比較遠的景點我都是租摩托車去的,如果你不敢在北越騎車,也可以選擇還劍湖附近的景點,都是走路可以到的地方,也不會很遠,相當於是繞著還劍湖走一圈而已



在還劍湖的附近,就有很多景點可以去,而且走路就可到,最遠的景點就是同春市場、河內歌劇院、火爐監獄這 3 個地方,大概要走 15- 20 分鐘左右,如果你平常走路速度就蠻快的,應該就可以更快到達



還劍湖 Hồ Hoàn Kiếm



還劍湖 是越南河內市中心主要湖泊之一,原名綠水湖,後因傳說越南君主黎利在此得劍還劍而改為現名



還劍湖原名綠水湖,傳說越南國王黎利在此送劍還劍而改為現名。 傳說黎利一日游湖時得神龜送來寶劍,此後黎利率軍擊敗明朝駐軍,建立後黎朝,成為安南國王


Leticia chat

Hoan Kiem Lake, one of the main lakes in the center of Hanoi, Vietnam, is located in the heart of Hanoi. The green lake reflects the ancient trees and willows on the lakeside. The “turtle tower” in the isolated lake is a symbol of Hanoi.

Hoan Kiem Lake was originally known as Green Water Lake. It is said that the Vietnamese King Li Li sent his sword to the sword and changed his current name.

Legend has it that when Li Li visited the lake on a day trip, the tortoise sent a sword. After that, the Li interest rate army defeated the Ming dynasty and established the post-Li Dynasty and became the king of Annan.

After the founding of the People's Republic of China, when Li Li visited the lake, he saw the tortoise coming to the sword and handed it back to him. In modern times, there have been witnesses the emergence of large cockroaches in the lake, presumably one of the few remaining plaques in the world.

還劍湖上的龜塔 Tháp Rùa







還劍湖北邊的玉山祠 Đền Ngọc Sơn






  • 開放時間 : 每天 8:00-18:00
  • 費用 : 20000 越南盾


接著回到還劍湖北邊的玉山祠,北越真的有很多寺廟,從這裡看向 還劍湖 真的很美,跟在湖畔的感覺完全不同

Leticia chat

Then I went back to Đền Ngọc Sơn ( Yushan Temple) next to Hoan Kiem Lake. There are many temples in North Vietnam. From here, it is really beautiful to look return to Hoan Kiem Lake. I feel completely different from the feeling of being at the lakeside.

李太祖祠 Lý Thái Tổ


李太祖是越南李朝的開國君主,太祖諱李公蘊,1009 年至1028 年在位。李太祖廣場的雕像莊嚴大氣,很有帝王風範,廣場位於還劍湖畔東側




Leticia chat

I start to visit in the evening so the night is coming soon. I heard the ticket of Water puppet theater so I request the staff to buy it before I check-in. Walk along the Ho Hoan Kiem lake and you will see ly-thai square. You also see the turtle tower in the middle of the Ho Hoan Kiem lake. There are many people take a walk around the lake even in the night.

水上木偶劇 Nhà hát Múa rối nước Thăng Long






  • 演出時間:
  • ⇒夏季時間:16:10、17:20、18:30、20:00
  • ⇒冬季時間:15:00、16:10、17:20、18:30、20:00
  • ⇒演出時間還是以現場的告示牌為準,但要留意最後的演出時間,不要錯過了!
  • 演出長度:1小時
  • 門票:100,000 VND



Leticia chat

The show started at 8:00 pm and performance time up to 1 hour. All used in  Vietnamese. The content of the performance is made up of several short local Vietnamese life and mythological stories. I think the show doesn't include the story and it is a performance model. Influenced by the colonial countries, the music and puppets of the performance are somewhat similar to  Taiwan.

It is a traditional Vietnamese cultural performance with a history of about a thousand years. The performance is to set up a stage on the pool. The actors hidden in the background use long lines or bamboo poles to manipulate puppets to perform various movements and plays.

河內大教堂 Nhà Thờ Lớn Hà Nội




也是河內很具代表性的法式建築。建於 1886 年,屬新哥特風格,由兩位彩劵商所贊助興建。雖然外表看來有點斑駁,但教堂內部裝飾繁複的主壇、彩繪玻璃窗,和方形的塔樓,都極具欣賞價值

教堂的大門只有在舉辦彌撒時才會打開,其餘的時間遊客需自側面進入,側門位在面對教堂左側的小巷內。對面的 Nha Tho 街是河內新興的精品商店和咖啡館的聚集區,既浪漫又有特色

  • 開放時間 
  • 星期一~ 六 : 8: 00~11:00、14:00~20:00
  • 星期日 : 7 :00- 11 :00,15 :00- 21:00
  • 彌撒時間為
  • 週一至週五:上午 5:30 和下午 6:15
  • 週六:18:00
  • 週日:5:00、07:00、09:00、11:00(法國式)、16:00(兒童節)、18:00、20:00(成人式)



Leticia chat

It is the oldest church in Hanoi. It is said to be built like the Notre Dame de Paris. It has medieval medieval style and its architectural style is rich in French colors.

In the interior of the church, the stained glass depicting the various Catholic stories on the wall sits in the church, feeling solemn and calm. At the Catholic celebrations, believers will flock here and pray together.

河內歌劇院 Nhà hát Lớn Hà Nội




可惜的是河內歌劇院並沒有開放給大眾參觀, 只能在外面拍照留念,若想要一賭劇院內的風采,得買張票入內看表演才行!



經過十年的施工,河內歌劇院終於在1911年開慕,一直到1945年「越盟(Viet Minh)」在歌劇院的陽台發動八月革命之前,一直都被認為是法國在越南殖民統治時期中文化與建築藝術的驕傲。 河內劇院內設一座大型舞臺,八百七十座觀眾席,二層設多間貴賓包廂

Leticia chat

Go to the Hanoi Opera House next. It's so sad there is no performance at that time.

I want to see the interior of the Hanoi Opera House.

The Hanoi Opera House is one of the most important architectural features of the French colonial period of Vietnam. This is an opera house built on the neo-Baroque-style "Paris Opera" building, in which Ionian-style columns and grey stone bricks are made of building materials. From France to Vietnam, it can be seen that France was determined to rule Vietnam at that time! 

After ten years of construction, the Hanoi Opera House finally revered in 1911. Until 1945, when Viet Minh launched the August Revolution on the balcony of the Opera House, it was considered to be the French colonial rule during Vietnam. The pride of Chinese and architectural art. The Hanoi Theatre has a large stage with 870 seats and two VIP rooms on the second floor.



徒步區不是一個景點,而是在每周五下午 5 點到周日晚上 10 點,這段時間,還劍湖都不允許任何車輛進入,包括人力三輪車,所有人都只能用走的






每周五下午 5 點到周日晚上 10 點, 還劍湖 周遭的馬路會被封起來變成徒步區,所有人只能用走的,摩托車也必須停下來用牽的,聽說會有很多攤販跟表演,白天的時候也只能用走的,可惜我明天就要回去了,不然就有時間好好逛一下

Leticia chat

After running all my planned trips, I went back to the restaurant to eat nearby, In the afternoon, I will be a famous massage in Vietnam and went to 36 ancient streets in the evening. I planned to continue my motorcycle journey. As a result, I found that Hoan Kiem Lake was coming back after visiting the ancient street. The street was closed nearby, and the police were blowing the whistle, which made us extremely nervous. We quickly left the exit that was not sealed and asked the hotel staff to know.

Every Friday from 5 pm to 10 pm on Sunday, the road around Hoan Kiem Lake will be sealed into a hiking area. All the people only walk. Motorcycles must stop and walk it. Even in the day you only walk.  I heard that there will be many Vendors and performances we can see.  Unfortunately I will go back tomorrow, otherwise, I will have time to go shopping.

三十六古街 Khu phố cổ Hà Nội






逛古街有 3 種方式,走路、坐電瓶車或是搭人力三輪車,因為古街很大,而且路很複雜,如果怕迷路的話,最好選擇搭人力三輪車的方式


越南的首都-河內,最繁華的區域莫過於 還劍湖 ,與環繞其旁的三十六條古街,因為周邊蔭樹林林,河內又被稱為「百花春城」

越南36古街約有一千年以上的歷史,據說古代只有36種行業,因此每一條街所賣的東西都不同,是越南最重要的城市古蹟,又稱 「舊城區 」


  • 電瓶車的話一個人是 200 元 ( 台幣 )
  • 三輪車的話是人坐在前面 ( 我覺得比較危險 )
  • 走路是最方便的方式


甚至有非常多妳一定看過的大品牌出現在這裡,The North Face、NIKE、KIPLING猴子包等品牌在36古街到處都有

Leticia chat

The capital of Vietnam, Hanoi, is the most prosperous area of ​​Hoan Kiem Lake, with 36 ancient streets surrounding it.

Because of the surrounding shade trees, Hanoi is also known as the "Hundred Flowers Spring City".

Vietnam's 36 ancient streets have a history of more than one thousand years. It is said that there were only 36 industries in ancient times. Therefore, each street sells different things. It is the most important urban monument in Vietnam, also known as "Old Town".

There are 3 ways to visit 36 ​​Ancient Street

Ride a battery car, ride a tricycle, walk

For a battery car, it is 200 yuan per person (Taiwan dollars)

The tricycle is because people are sitting in front (I think it is more dangerous)

Walking is the most convenient way

But because the entire 36 Ancient Street is very large, it ’s basically easy to get lost if you do n’t have enough time

There are many things sold here, such as Toy Street, Jewelry Street, Buddha Street, Clothes Street, Hardware Street ... etc.

There are even many big brands you must have seen here. The North Face, NIKE, KIPLING monkey bags and other brands are everywhere in 36 Ancient Street.

同春市場 Chợ Đồng Xuân


是一座位於河內的大型批發市場,原建築由法國殖民政府興建,在 1889 年落成

同春市場在 1994 年 7 月 14 日幾乎被一場火災摧毀,之後進行過多次修復工程,這座市場是河內市面積最大的室內市場


古街上有些店家也是從這裡批發商品,從 36 古街一直往北走,就可以走到同春市場



到越南什麼是必買的呢 ? 我想很多人腦中浮現的應該就是腰果吧!之前有一位在越南工作的朋友跟我說,要買便宜的腰果就要到河內買,在胡志明買不會比較便宜,還有要記得買真空包裝的,因為有一次她為了省錢買一大袋散裝的,回家才發現裡面有蟲蟲



1.還劍湖 的北門,是當地人經常去的市場,賣的東西不是很好,可以在這裏體會一下當地人的生活。河內普通市民的購物天堂,衣物雜貨,什麼都有。零售批發,都可以在這裏成交。

Leticia chat

Tongchun Market is located in the center of the old city north of Hoan Kiem Lake in the urban area of ​​Hanoi.

Originally built by the French colonial government in 1889, the French style can be smelled from the appearance, and then destroyed by fire and restored many times. Now Tong Chun Market is the largest indoor market in Hanoi. The products sold are related to all aspects of clothing, food and housing. 

However, Tongchun Market has relatively simple facilities and low-grade goods. For tourists, it may be more meaningful to experience the life of Hanoi citizens than shopping. It is a large wholesale market.

Because the market is located near the 36th ancient street, it is conceivable that the supply of 36th ancient street comes from here. Linglang is full of daily necessities and hardware department stores.

This market is currently the largest indoor wholesale market in Hanoi. Although it was celebrated in 1994, it has been completely restored. Visit Wufenpu, a local Vietnamese!

What is a must buy when you come to Vietnam? I think a lot of people should have cashew nuts in their minds! A friend who worked in Vietnam told me before that if you want to buy cheap cashews, you have to buy them in Hanoi. It ’s not cheaper to buy in Ho Chi Minh, and you have to remember to buy vacuum packaging, because once she bought a big bag in bulk to save money. Yes, I found bugs inside when I went home. There is a stall selling cashews at the entrance of Tongchun Market. There are shops on the left and right, and the prices are the same.

◎ Note:

1. The north gate of Hoan Kiem Lake is a market that locals often go to. The things they sell are not very good. You can experience the life of locals here. A shopping paradise for ordinary citizens in Hanoi, clothes and groceries, everything. Retail and wholesale can be traded here.

2. There are many people, miscellaneous things, and small commodity wholesale markets. You can buy some small handicrafts in it.

3. Be careful not to be cheated when looking for money

火爐監獄 Hoả Lò





  • 參觀時間:8:30-11:30 am、13:30-16:30 pm
  • 門票:30,000 VND

下一個是我很期待的火爐監獄 ,火爐監獄是法國人於1896 年所興建的監獄,名為「Maison Centrale」,被稱為「河內火爐」,當地人稱之為「火爐」,因為這個地方原本是製作陶瓷的窯爐的村落


1945 年北越建國後,火爐監獄成為國家監獄,收容重大罪犯。1963 年南北越戰爆發,當時美國空軍全力轟炸北越,部分轟炸機被擊落,飛行員就被監禁於此,其中最知名的包括美國首任駐越南代表 Douglas Peterson,以及當時是美國海軍飛行員、後於2008年成為共和黨總統候選人的約翰·麥凱恩(Jonh McCain)

因為越共也是以多種非人道刑法對付戰犯,恐怖的名聲令美軍為它取了個「河內希爾頓」的名號,1987 年有部好萊塢越戰電影便以「河內希爾頓」為名,描述被關在這裡的美國大兵故事,也因此「河內希爾頓」幾乎成了這監獄的代名詞

Leticia chat

Next is the Hoa Lo Prison I am looking forward to.

The Hoa Lo Prison  is a prison built by the French in 1896 and is called "Maison Centrale". It is called "Hanoi Furnace". The locals call it the "fire stove", so the original is the village of the ceramic furnace.

 This is the largest prison built by the French in North Vietnam. At that time, the major political prisoners who were anti-French colonials were locked up here and tortured. However, the dissidents who were locked up here have also been able to exchange their voices and become more convinced of the nationalist beliefs. Some of them have rushed through the prisons and rejoined the anti-French camp, becoming an important figure in the independent establishment of the country in the future. .

After the founding of the North Vietnam in 1945, the Furnace Prison became a national prison and hosted major criminals. In 1963, the North-South Vietnam War broke out. At that time, the US Air Force bombarded North Vietnam and some bombers were shot down. The pilots were imprisoned here. The most famous ones included Douglas Peterson, the first US representative in Vietnam, and the US Navy pilot. Jonh McCain, a Republican presidential candidate. 

Because the Viet Cong also used a variety of inhuman criminal laws to deal with war criminals, the reputation of terror made the US military take the name of "Hanoi Hilton". In 1987, a Hollywood Vietnam War movie was named after "Hanoi Hilton". The story of the American soldier, and therefore "Happa Hilton" has become synonymous with this prison.





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作者: abcdefg55g 2025 Feb 18
Hola ! 我是 Leticia,最近對於個人色彩的靈感大爆發,寫了很多個人色彩系列的文章,剛好最近很多人在詢問個人色彩的選擇,也幫大家整理了一下相關的資訊,個人色彩絕對不是只有應用在衣服上面,而是各種有關顏色的部分,都可以用個人色彩的結果,作為挑選的標準
作者: abcdefg55g 2025 Feb 11
Hola ! 我是 Leticia,最近對於個人色彩的靈感大爆發,寫了很多個人色彩系列的文章,剛好最近很多人在詢問個人色彩的選擇,也幫大家整理了一下相關的資訊,個人色彩絕對不是只有應用在衣服上面,而是各種有關顏色的部分,都可以用個人色彩的結果,作為挑選的標準
作者: abcdefg55g 2025 Feb 4
Hola ! 我是 Leticia,最近對於個人色彩的靈感大爆發,寫了很多個人色彩系列的文章,剛好最近很多人在詢問個人色彩的選擇,也幫大家整理了一下相關的資訊,個人色彩絕對不是只有應用在衣服上面,而是各種有關顏色的部分,都可以用個人色彩的結果,作為挑選的標準
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